Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snuggie-is it a pop culture?

O.K. so a few weekends ago, I was with friends enjoying the weekend and watching the tube when the infamous Snuggie infomerical took over the screen. As all of us had seen this maybe 100 times already, we couldn't stop talking about the blanket with sleeves. "They look crazy", or something like that as I replied. Another friend said "They look like creeps" and when they showed the family at the ball game, someone else shouted "What are they in a cult...I could never wear that in public." And on and on we went with the wisecracks as within an hour they showed the Snuggie about 10 more times!

Well low and behold, Snuggie is making a mark on pop culture all over the internet from yahoo to youtube. Its captured a lot of folks attention with 4 million do the math at $19.95. So reading these articles made me realize that although I currently reside in LA, I lived in Chicago for a very long time and know how brutally cold it gets in those winter months. I said to myself maybe Snuggie is not such a bad idea after all and I would imagine that a lot of other people would agree. Or would they....what do you think?



  1. Thanks for checking out my blog....Btw I def want to get a from philly and its cold

  2. In Florida, the new fad amongst the kids is to just wear actual blankets around. So I guess it could be worse.

  3. Is that the same as a Slanket? I got one of those before the winter thank goodness as it was well below freezing here and - as you probably noticed from my blog - it was a little tricky to pay for heating so thank goodness for the Slanket! Thanks for popping over by the way. Like your blog.

